Five years ago, inspired by the spirit of Henry David Thoreau who wrote, “All good things are wild and free," mother of five Ainsley Arment started Wild + Free - a community of mothers and families who want their children to receive a quality education at home, while also nurturing a sense of curiosity, joy, and awe that encompasses a positive childhood.
Ainsley's new book The Call of the Wild and Free offers advice, insight, and encouragement for parents considering homeschooling, those currently in the trenches looking for inspiration, as well as parents, educators, and caregivers who want supplementary resources to enhance their children’s traditional educations. It's available now wherever books are sold.
Ainsley Arment is the founder of Wild + Free, co-founder of Wild Explorers Club and the Wild + Free Farm Village, and host of the weekly Wild + Free podcast. She and her husband Ben are raising their five children, Wyatt, Dylan, Cody, Annie, and Millie, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. | @ainsl3y
For booking and other inquiries, contact Ainsley using the form below: